SRAE Office Hours: Creating a Network of Support

Event Date:

Across our communities, we serve young people who have varying and expansive needs, ranging from basic necessities (food, shelter, and clothing), mental and physical health support, employment and crisis management. For us to succeed and have a lasting impact on our young people, we need a network of support within and outside of our programs/organizations. While all SRAE grantees are required to have a list of referrals for their participants, we know that sometimes it can be difficult to establish a strong referral network and track warm handoffs to other programs/organizations. This office hours will be an opportunity to discuss ways to create a strong referral network, track and monitor referrals as well as share any helpful resources. We are encouraging grantees to come prepared to share referral form templates, approaches or formats that have been successful in your respective programs.

Check your email for a Zoom link to join!

Category: Office Hours
Centered white text that reads "Office Hours" with a background of two people having a conversation.