Please read to the end for instructions on logging in to The Exchange.
The Exchange has recently undergone an extensive infrastructure and security evaluation as required of all federal websites. This review has resulted in some changes to the user registration and approval process. These new requirements are to ensure the privacy and protection of all account holders.
The most notable change is that the account registration page will no longer be available on the site. Tailored instructions for how different users will create an account moving forward are included below.
If you are a Grant Point of Contact (POC):
Staff at FYSB have provided our team with an up-to-date list of all organizations funded under the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (APP) program and their corresponding Grant POC. Site developers have manually created accounts for all the Grant POC.
As a Grant POC you are responsible for inviting staff and sub-recipients of your grant to join the site. If you are unable to take on this responsibility, we have added a function that will allow you to promote another staff member to this role. Please be aware that you must first invite the Grant POC designee to join the site prior to promoting them. Finally, all grant staff and sub-recipient accounts will be temporarily placed on hold until they are authorized (note – it’s preferable that you use official work email addresses when you invite staff to join).
If you are a Grant Staff or a Sub-Recipient:
Your Grant POC must invite you to join the site. This is done to ensure that only grantees of FYSB’s APP program are gaining access to certain tools and materials on the site. If you do not know the name of your Grant POC, please reach out to your FYSB Project Officer or
As always, our team is more than happy to answer any questions you may have related to this new process. Please reach out to