Co-Regulation and Youth: What It Is and How You Matter

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Co-regulation is critically important for any program that serves young people. It is the interactive process by which caring adults (1) provide warm supportive relationships, (2) promote self-regulation through coaching, modeling, and feedback, and (3) structure supportive environments. These practices intentionally foster the skills that youth need to build healthy and happy lives.

Designed for grant recipients of the Administration of Children and Families and their community partners, this webinar aims to deepen your understanding of co-regulation and demonstrate how you can successfully implement this important practice in your organization. Experts from ACF and expert practitioners in this field will explain co-regulation and spotlight evidence-driven strategies for using co-regulation to improve outcomes in youth-serving programs, particularly for older youth and young adults (ages 18-25). 

It can be hard in our busy lives to keep up with new research. Co-regulation resources developed by ACF's Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation were designed to help translate complex ideas into everyday practice. Whether you are an adult who works directly with youth, a peer who supports other young people, or a leader of a youth-serving program, this webinar will share helpful information and practical strategies for your work.

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