Fueling Resilience: Addressing Grantee Burnout & Compassion Fatigue

Event Date:

Facilitator: Lissette M. Saavedra, PhD 

The webinar will address secondary trauma, an often inadvertently overlooked issue that can impact grantee staff, particularly facilitators who work directly with youth. It will emphasize that traumatic responses are common reactions to unusual events grantee providers may experience. Grantee participants will gain insights into recognizing signs of compassion fatigue and secondary stress in themselves, their teams, and the youth they serve. Additionally, attendees will learn essential de-escalation techniques for working with youth. The session will focus on developing personalized self-care plans to manage stress effectively and achieve a healthy work-life balance and explore actionable resilience-building practices to incorporate into daily routines. The goal is to co-create plans for grantees to mitigate compassion fatigue and enhance their long-term effectiveness in their roles. 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the web event. If you have questions, please email SRAETTA@rti.org. The webinar will be live-captioned, recorded, and archived for later viewing. 

Category: Webinar