National Health Center Week
Event Date:
More than 3 million adolescents in the United States receive primary care from a community health center, and demand for affordable primary care continues to grow. Every year, National Health Center Week celebrates how community health centers provide critical services to underserved populations to help keep communities and their youth healthy.
During National Health Center week, celebrate the contributions that health centers make to your community!
Ways to Get Involved:
- Share this youth-friendly tip sheet from We Think Twice™ on how to find and talk to mental health professionals.
- Help youth in your program find local, affordable care at the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Get Health Care website.
- Learn about the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) School-Based Health Alliance, which provides training and technical assistance to school-based health centers.
- Download the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) infographic illustrating a teen-friendly reproductive health visit.
- Support parents to help their teens navigate the health care system. This CDC tip sheet provides parents valuable information about one-on-one time between youth and healthcare providers.
Health Observance