National Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Event Date:
Human trafficking is a crime that involves the forced labor and sexual exploitation of individuals. Victims can be any race, age, gender identity, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, or nationality. Some populations, such as runaway and homeless youth (RHY), are at high risk of becoming trafficking victims because they often lack strong support networks, secure housing, and stable incomes.
This month, join us in protecting the youth in our communities and taking a stand against human trafficking.
Ways to Get Involved:
- Become familiar with the indicators of human trafficking.
- Learn how to integrate human trafficking prevention into existing programming and approaches to working with trafficked youth.
- Download the Human Trafficking: Implications for Adolescent Health Outcomes tip sheet to gain insight on domestic minor sex and labor trafficking in the U.S. and its implications for adolescent sexual, physical, and mental health.
- View this comprehensive guide on addressing trafficking in schools.
- Visit the National Human Trafficking Hotline for additional information, resources, and safety tips.
Health Observance