National Minority Health Month
Event Date:
The Office of Minority Health (OMH) within the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services works to improve the health of racial and ethnic minority populations through health policies and programs. Every April, OMH celebrates National Minority Health Month.
Ways to Get Involved:
- The 2022 National Minority Health Month theme is Give Your Community a Boost! The theme highlights the importance of COVID-19 vaccination among communities of color.
- Spread the word on social media! Use #BoostYourCommunity and #NMHM2022 and take advantage of shareable graphics developed for this observance.
- Watch and share our webinars “Advancing Racial Equity: The Time is Now!” and “Practical Strategies for Creating Welcoming & Supportive Environments for All Youth” to learn more about the social determinants that can influence the health of individuals and communities and how your organization can develop and implement inclusive programming.
Health Observance