Navigating Staff Turnover & Transitions
1-888-475-4499 US Toll-Free
Meeting ID: 92319444122
Password: 164322
Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have found ourselves in the Great Resignation which has had severe impacts on program coordination, implementation, and evaluation for several grantees. Grantees have reported challenges around staff burnout, staff retention, and high staff turnover. In addition, while some grantees may not experience these challenges directly in their own organizations, several have reported it as a barrier for many of their community partners. This has increased the burden on current staff, thus limiting the ability to provide the best possible programming to young people. Join the next TA Office Hours to talk with your TA providers and fellow grantees about strategies for navigating and addressing current staffing challenges.
We will use a video format to personalize this session. You can use the Zoom telephone number (above) for audio and connect through the Zoom video link on your computer. If you will not have access to your computer for the video connection, feel free to join by telephone.
All grantees and sub-recipients are welcome to attend. In order to tailor this session to your needs, please send your questions in advance by emailing them to
Join, share, and listen.