(PREP) Working with Youth Involved in Systems
This interactive webinar will provide guidance and resources for addressing sexual and reproductive health with system-involved youth. We will provide background information and relevant data on youth involved in systems (foster care, juvenile justice), sexual and reproductive health considerations, and provide best practices for working with youth in these systems. During this webinar we also will discuss and apply lessons learned from Activate: The Collective to Bring Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Research to Youth-Supporting Professionals. Activate aims to bridge the gap between research and practice on adolescent sexual and reproductive health by creating resources for professionals working with system-involved youth. Lastly, grantees currently working with system-involved youth will share practical examples of providing services to this population, lessons learned and key considerations for grantees seeking to work with system-involved youth.
At the conclusion of this 90-minute webinar, participants will be able to:
- Understand the experiences that shape the sexual and reproductive health behaviors and service needs of system-involved youth;
- Learn best practices for recruiting and engaging system-involved youth in adolescent pregnancy prevention programming; and
- Learn where and how to access available sexual and reproductive health research-based resources to support system-involved youth.
Participants will have the opportunity to engage with facilitators in an open discussion and question-and-answer session after the presentation.
Register here: https://rtiorg.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcudOCrqDMjE9avIWvQ6YPKxjL-nF4DRj53