STI Awareness Week
Event Date:
In 2020, youth aged 15–24 accounted for more than half of the 20 million new sexually transmitted infections (STIs) reported in the United States. Recent findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that protective sexual behaviors, such as condom use and STI testing, have worsened from 2011 to 2021.
This STI Awareness Week, let’s empower youth to take control of their sexual health and encourage them to practice healthy sexual behaviors.
Get Involved:
- View APP's tip sheet on discussing contraception and abstinence.
- Learn how you can use technology to improve the sexual health of youth.
- Listen to FYSB's Elevate Youth Programming podcast “Adolescent Health and Sexually Transmitted Infections” on STIs and advancing adolescent sexual health. Share the CDC’s GYT: Get Yourself Tested campaign materials to encourage youth to get tested for STIs.
Health Observance