World AIDS Day
December 1 is World AIDS Day.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus spread through certain bodily fluids that can cause a serious infection and, without treatment, can lead to AIDS and early death. For most youth, the risk of contracting HIV begins when they initiate sexual activity or inject illicit drugs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), youth are the least likely of all age groups to be aware of their infection.
Youth-serving professionals can help address HIV infection among youth by providing them with information on the risks of getting HIV, assisting youth with the development of healthy decision-making skills, encouraging youth to know their HIV status, and seek treatment if they test positive for HIV.
Get Involved:
- Help teens understand and reduce their risk with the interactive HIV Risk Reduction tool from CDC.
- Encourage teens who are at high-risk for HIV to get tested using the HIV Testing Site Locator.
- Young men are critical to efforts aimed at reducing teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. Learn how to overcome barriers to engaging young men in preventative education and healthcare services with this tip sheet.
- Show support with red ribbons for the millions of people living with HIV and commemorate those we have lost.
- Does your organization serve Tribal youth? Learn more about the “Talking is Power Campaign,” a tool for American Indian and Alaska Native parents and caregivers to talk to their teens about hard topics like sex, HIV and STDs, and consent.