National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
In 2019, 29% of high schoolers reported current alcohol use, and 37% reported ever using marijuana, according to the most recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). The Center for Disease Control, Division of Adolescent and School Health reports that teens who drink or use drugs are more likely to be sexually active and less likely to use contraception than teens who do not.
Teens often get conflicting or inaccurate information about drugs and alcohol from friends, family, and the media. Help our nation’s youth stay safe and reach their goals by showing them the real truth about the risks of underage drinking and drug use. Take part in this year’s National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW) and help SHATTER THE MYTHS® about drugs and alcohol!
Get Involved
- Download and share our tip sheet on opioids and adolescent health.
- Participate in the Drug and Alcohol Chat Day on March 24, 2021. This event brings together high school students and National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) scientists for a live online chat.
- Check out the 2021 events map of activities taking place around the United States or follow these five steps to plan and host your own event.
- Download or order free NIDA materials to educate youth about drug abuse or promote your NDAFW event.
- What is your Drug and Alcohol IQ? Take and share the quiz here!