National Youth Violence Prevention Week
Event Date:
Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE), an initiative of Sandy Hook Promise, helped found National Youth Violence Prevention Week (NYVPW) in 2001. NYVPW seeks to spread awareness and educate students, school staff, parents, and the public on effective ways to prevent or reduce youth violence.
Ways to Get Involved:
- View and share the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s video, “What is Youth Violence?”
- Download the NYVPW Action Kit to find a step-by-step action plan for how your organization can engage your community to prevent youth violence.
- Boost the NYVPW message on your social media channels! Tag @nationalsave on social media use the hashtag #NYVPW.
- Download our “Creating Safe Spaces: Facilitator’s Guide to Trauma-Informed Programming” to strengthen your trauma-informed approach to programming, including trauma experienced through youth violence.
Health Observance