Elevate Youth Programming. Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation.

Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation

In this episode we speak with Dr. Stacey Cutbush and Leanne Desselle from RTI International to learn tips and strategies to recognize signs of youth who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing sexual exploitation (SE) or human trafficking (HT) and ways to support youth. Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) providers are in a unique position to build relationships that foster trust and create a safe space for youth to share their life experiences, which may include self-disclosures or signs of SE and HT. PREP programming presents an opportunity to prevent risky situations proactively by providing information and resources to build youths’ life skills (i.e., decision-making, help-seeking behaviors), discussing tactics used by traffickers, emphasizing the importance of seeking help when needed, and reporting suspected instances of SE and HT. 

Stacey Cutbush, PhD, is social scientist and the director of the Violence Prevention and Harm Reduction Research Program in RTI International’s Justice Practice Area. She has 20 years of experience conducting research and evaluation and providing training and technical assistance. Her expertise spans the fields of violence and victimization, including human trafficking, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, teen dating violence, school-based violence, and mental health. She served as the Principal Investigator for the following National Institute of Justice (NIJ)-funded Trafficking in Persons grants, Measuring Outcomes in Services to Domestic Victims of Human Trafficking: Instrument Development and Testing and Identify, Respond, Prevent: Addressing Human Trafficking among Juvenile Justice– and Child Welfare–Involved Youth. Dr. Cutbush currently serves as the project director for the NIJ-funded Trafficking in Persons grant, Evaluation of the California Human Trafficking Victim Assistance Grant Program and the Office for Victims of Crime–funded Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance project. Dr. Cutbush provides HT training and technical assistance to federal, state, and local agencies. She has also worked in direct service provision as a victim advocate in crisis response, emergency departments, and criminal courts. 

Leanne McCallum Desselle, MA, is a Research Analyst & Training and Technical Assistance Provider in RTI International’s Justice Practice Area whose work is informed by her experience as a former practitioner, where she managed and implemented multi-disciplinary victim service programs. Her previous roles include acting as a Strategic Projects Manager for the Louisiana Alliance of Children’s Advocacy Centers. She has been a featured expert speaker, trainer, and technical assistance consultant for national organizations, including the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance, the U.S. Office for Victims of Crime, Freedom Network USA, the National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center, and the HEAL Network.  

The Elevate Youth Programming podcast was developed by RTI International and funded by FYSB. The Elevate Youth Programming content does not reflect the opinions of FYSB nor its training and technical assistance contractors but offers topics to provoke thought and provide grantees with tips and strategies to enhance programming.

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